Friendship Trustees
The Friendship Association is governed by a Board of Trustees who meet 6 times per year and develop policies, propose projects and activities, sponsor a scholarship, coordinate events with the Alexandria Fire Department, oversee the administration and finances of the organization.
David Baker
Robert Dubè Frank Fannon, IV Lynette Garrett Jeanne Jacob William W. Kehoe James R. McClellan Shawn P. McLaughlin John J. Renner, II Jmaes Swartz Corey A. Smedley Mark Souder Frank S. Tramel Paul F. Trimber Catherine Weinraub Tim Winkle Trustee Emeritus William D. Euille Donald F. Simpson, Sr. Joseph S. Shumard |
Contact & Corporate Information
Friendship Veterans Fire Engine Association a Virginia Corporation Secretary-Treasurer, William Kehoe Mail: P.O. Box 22505, Alexandria, Virginia 22304 Below is the IRS 501(c)(3) approval:
Friendship Firehouse Museum
107 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314
107 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314